On August 7, 2023, a bilateral work program between Vietnam Internet Center (VNNIC) and Asia-Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC) was holded at APNIC headquarters, Brisbane - Australia. Representatives of the two organizations exchanged and re-evaluated the results achieved in the bilateral cooperation in the past period, discussed, agreed and consolidated the development cooperation strategy in the new period between the two organizations. The organization has an important role (national NIC - VNNIC and regional NIC - APNIC) in order to maximize cooperation results, serving the management of Internet resources in particular, promoting the development of Internet activities in general nationally and regionally.
Activities and Events
To enhance connection and cooperation efficiency on national Internet resources development, VNNIC held an online bilateral meeting with KISA on December 27-28, 2021. The main purpose of the meeting is to share experiences in Internet resources management and development; to cooperate in pilot project of DNS Server Sharing.
Following the MoU signing, VNNIC and JPNIC held an online meeting on December 17th, 2021 to exchange information and share experiences in managing and developing Internet resources. To enhance cooperation efficiency and catch up with the developing orientation of both organizations, VNNIC and JPNIC proposed to resign a new MoU in 2022.
Ministry of Information and Communications launched IPv6 for Gov Program for the period of 2021-2025
On 15 January, 2021, Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) launched successfully IPv6 for Gov Program for the period of the 2021-2025, setting the central goal of 100% government agencies deployed IPv6 by 2025. Viet Nam Internet Network Information Center is assigned to take the lead the program. The conference was chaired by Mr. Nguyen Huy Dung, Deputy Minister of MIC and held online at 63 Provinces, Cities across the country. On this occasion, the Deputy Minister also honored who has contributed greatly to IPv6 transition in Viet Nam.
The year 2020 would have been considered a pivotal year when VNNIC focused on building digital platforms and services, to adapt the digital trend in the world and to promote the new generation of Internet with the spirit of “Internet for all”. Pursuing this new vision, VNNIC has gained quite a number of achievements in the development of Internet resources, ensuring Internet resources ready for 5G, IoT and smart city development in the future.
VNNIC and KISA met up online for the cooperation in Internet resource development (1 December, 2020)
Carrying out activities within the scope of the MoU, VNNIC and KISA met up online, exchanged information and shared experiences in managing and developing Internet resources. One of highlights of the meeting is VNNIC and KISA agree to support and develop an idea of building DNS forum in the region.
Under the scope of MoU between Ministry Information and Communications in Viet Nam and Ministry of Post and Telecommunication in Laos, VNNIC conducted online workshop on IPv6, DNSSEC and NIX for LANIC from 17th to 18th November 2020.
On September 30, 2020, Viet Nam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC) successfully organized VNIX-NOG 2020 to engage almost 300 engineers and network operators in Viet Nam to participate and share information in network operation and emerging technologies. The conference was delivered by both onsite and online platform, bring in the widest possible range of local participants following government’s instructions on COVID-19 safety measurements. It was also supported by experts from regional Internet organization, including APNIC and APIX.
Internet has entered the next phase of development with the transition to IPv6 Internet and emerging IoT, 5G networks. Digital transformation is essential for sustainable development of all Internet players. As a National Network Information Center, VNNIC shall proactively take initiatives to play leading role for the innovation of Internet core infrastructures, Internet resources, new protocols and online services in Viet Nam.
Vietnam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC) has announced that the number of ASCII .VN domain has just reached over 500,000 registrations since late March, 2020. The use of .VN domain name has been a positive contribution to Viet Nam’s economic growth, expanded from information availability and access to an integral part of digital business models, which is a prominent trend while Viet Nam’s enforcing social distancing measures due to the spread of COVID-19.